Sunday, October 21, 2012

326 Argentina Navy Crew Stuck in Ghana?

              Crew members play soccer next to the three-masted ARA Libertad, a symbol of Argentina's navy, as it sits docked at the Tema port, outside Accra, Ghana, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012. Argentina announced the immediate evacuation Saturday of about 300 crew members from the Libertad, a navy training ship seized in Africa nearly three weeks ago as collateral for unpaid bonds dating from the South American nation's economic crisis a decade ago.(AP Photo/Gabriela Barnuevo)

Argentina navy jugando futbol lado de sus ship que Ghana seized. Quando Argentina paro en Ghana para garar gasolina por la ship.  Los navy hombres son de muchos lugars como Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and South Africa que estavan training para hecher apart of the navy from Argentina. Ghana seized the Navy Argentina boat Saturday 20, 2012 by not permitting them to refuel their gas this then forced Argentina to evacuate all 326 navy crew off the boat expect for the captain and a few other officers. This has Argentina very upset because is boat is a symbol of Argentina and they do not want to give up their boat as well as they are unsure how they are going to get all of the Navy men back to Argentina without this boat and without Ghana allowing them to bring in other ways of transportation in fear that they will then take those away as well. Ghana claims to be taking this boat as a negotiator saying Argentina can leave with this boat if they pay 20 million dollar bond but they would still owe 350 million dollars including interest to Ghana from over a decade ago. To me this sounds like a hard cookie either way Argentina moves it is going to cost them financially a lot.

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